Why not? arised in 2018 after finishing studies from theatrical, performative and dance-oriented pedagogical studies by formal participants and it appeared as an inside need of creation and continuity sharing a collective thoughts.
It brings the utopian challange of working democratically and together to confront the reality of having one decision-making role. It demands a lot of work from each performer especially in the process, which is seen as same important as the result. Ideally it is a way of finding new ways of research and production-making by confronting and exposing it to the group before it is delivered to the audience.
„We laugh, we play, we dance but sometimes we fight, we cry, we get sick of each other. But the reason for that is higher than us. We all do care.”
BalletOFFFestival Performance +
3 weeks residency
Premiere: 25.11.2018, Cracow, Poland
choreography and performance:
Dominika Gryz, Aleksandra Krajewska, Paulina Rewucka, Paweł Żołądek
light design: Radosław Lis
music: Andrzej Jaworski
consultation: Brian Michaels
The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards Everything washed in a thin orange haze You grabbed my hand
And we fell into it
Like a daydream
Or a fever
(“The Dead Flag Blues”, Godspeed You! Black Emperor) with the fragment of the text by Sławomir Mrożek “Keczup”
Project implemented in cooperation with the Nowohuckie Centre of Culture and Cracow Centre of Choreography as part of the Residencial BaletOFFFestival program.
social project and final performance
Premiere 30.11.2018
Suchedniów, Poland
Project implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Music and Dance as part of the "Think in Motion 2018" program.
Title: „Albowiem życie jest ..."
Direction and choreography: Paweł Żołądek, Paulina Rewucka
Scenography: Zbigniew Miernik
Partners and participants:
Local Government Primary School No. 1 and 3 in Suchedniów,
Local Primary School in Ostojów, Society of Children's Friends,
city branch in Suchedniów,
School Complex in Gozda,
School and Pre-School Complex in Łączna,
Association Initiative Group POD PRĄD.
Why not? Collective powstał w 2018 roku po ukończeniu przez formalnych uczestników studiów teatralnych, performatywnych i pedagogicznych zorientowanych na taniec i pojawił się jako wewnętrzna potrzeba tworzenia i ciągłości dzielenia się zbiorową myślą.
Niesie ze sobą utopijne wyzwanie demokratycznej pracy i wzajemnej konfrontacji z rzeczywistością posiadania jednej roli decyzyjnej. Wymaga to od każdego wykonawcy wiele pracy, szczególnie w procesie, który jest postrzegany jako tak samo ważny jak wynik. W idealnej sytuacji jest to sposób na poszukiwanie nowych sposobów badań i tworzenia poprzez przedstawienie ich przed grupą, zanim zostaną zaprezentowane publiczności.
"Śmiejemy się, gramy, tańczymy, ale czasami walczymy, płaczemy, mamy dość siebie nawzajem. Ale powód tego jest wyższy od nas. Wszystkich nas to obchodzi."
The space in between. The grey zone…
In all of its many different Shades,
People in all their many different layers,
And with their own, very specific and very sacred individuality.
‘Do we really dare to be ourselves? Shedding off ALL of our protective layers, all of our masks, until we are naked, standing in front of ourselves, facing ourselves, each other, in all honesty and truth?’
‘Do we realize the power and the LOVE that lies within that purity? The fact that we are a whole, together? ONE?
‘Do we dare, to face our fears and no longer be afraid? Do we dare to trust?’
This whole process becomes a beautiful play of light and shadow.
Memento Dance Company (since 1996)
Director of Creation/ Artistic Director:
Marjon van Grunsven (Founder MDC*)
Assistants + members MDC: Oona De Cleyn & Jeffrey Stuut
Associate Director & Producer: Wojciech Chowaniec
Supporting Partner: Studio MOVYTZA, Dom Kultury w Rybniku-Chwałowicach, Teatr Ziemi Rybnickiej
The project is co-financed by: the City of Rybnik.
Participants/Artists: Katarzyna Bebiołka, Agnieszka Bednarz, Emilia Biskupik, Helena Golab, Kinga Grychtoł, Nadia Grychtoł, Dominika Gryz, Agnieszka Janicka, Zuzanna Kasprzyk-Molenda, Liliana Kowalska, Aleksandra Kozańska, Katarzyna Koziorz, Małgorzata Kozłowska, Marta Mańka, Andrzej Molenda, Paulina Rewucka, Oksana Sliubyk, Irena Wiktor, Michał Woźnica, Paweł Zaufal
Date: August 2019
See the summary: https://youtu.be/q1X0ogQHYJk
On the border of the Silesian Upland and the Olkusz Upland an interesting project is being created, the place of action is the Bledowska Desert, the biggest desert among Europe (sick!), where for the second year in a row a group of friends meets to create music, which they call desert rock, accompanied by visual arts and dance.
June 2019
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